Tuesday, February 17, 2009

If you're a work at home mom or a stay at home mom, chances are you get cabin fever from time to time. I know I do! My job is at home, there's cleaning to do at home, the kids need my help with homework at home, and there's cooking to do at home. Everything begins to focus around being at home, and after awhile, you feel ready to scream.

If you've ever felt like you want to talk to telemarketers just to have an adult conversation...this article is for you.

Social networking may be the answer. I've found that the ability to communicate with friends and family online at social networking sites has often offered me a touch of sanity in a crazy day. It allows me to keep touch with what's going on in the world, keeping me less focused on my problems and helping me get a bigger picture.

The great thing is that there are many different social networking sites out there. Join one and you may just be surprised at who all you know. Many of these sites offer groups specifically for moms, giving you a place where you can get advice, give advice, vent a bit, and have a good time.

Some of the top social networking sites out there include Bebo, MySpace, Facebook, WAYN, and Multiply.

Personally, after trying several social networking sites myself, I have found Facebook to be my favorite. It's easy to use, functional, and I like the layout. Of course everyone is different, so consider trying out several yourself and figuring out which one best suits you.

So, if you are feeling at the end of your rope, cooped up, and like you need some adult time, check out the social networking sites. It's a great way to keep your sanity and still be a mom.


  1. Anonymous said...
    I would have to say that this is very good advice even for stay at home dads.
    simpleman said...
    You know Joy there are other types of social networking besides on line, but I think it is a good idea to check out some of those sites anyway because they are a good way to reconnect with people you have lost touch with to.

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