Thursday, March 19, 2009

Hello again moms and thanks for stopping by Tips 4 WAHMs again. I hope you're ready for another great quick tip of the day for WAHMs.

Today I want to talk about your desk. When you are a work at home mom, chances are you spend quite a bit of time at your desk, especially if you work online. Unfortunately, half the time your desk may be hard to find, buried under papers, books, and more.

Clean your desk. It's one of the best tips I can give you. You'll be surprised how much better you'll be able to work with a clean desk. First of all, you'll actually be able to find things instead of digging through the piles for them. Also, studies have shown that people accomplish more when working at a clean desk.

One of the main reasons we work at home moms don't clean our desk is because it looks like a task that will take forever. In reality, the job probably won't be as hard as you think. Usually 15-20 minutes is all you'll need to get that desk clean. Those minutes will definitely be worth your time when you find out how much more you get done once it's clean.

So, take a break today and clean off your desk. You'll be surprised at how fast it goes and then at how productive you become when it's clean. Then, work on keeping it clean. Never let your desk come in the way of making money again…lol.


  1. Anonymous said...
    Pretty good advice but in my case a clean desk is a sign of a sick mind or so I've been told, lol.
    Anonymous said...
    My desk is always a problem for me. I definitely work better when it's's just that stuff always builds up. lol
    Anonymous said...
    Great advice. I need to try to do this myself.
    Anonymous said...
    I tell my daughter the same thing about her desk, but she never listens then at the end of the week she goes oh.....there's last Fridays homework. She has all of the organizational skills of the city dump, LOL.

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