Friday, March 6, 2009
Today's quick tip of the day for WAHMs may seem a bit different, but I believe that it's really important. Today we're going to talk about getting rid of the cleaning guilt.
While some of the other quick tip of the day posts have dealt with quick cleaning, I need to remind you of something - you ARE a busy mother. Some of you are stay at home moms, some are work at home moms. Either way, you work hard and you are busy all day long.
Chances are, the house isn't always going to be as clean as you want it to be. However, many of us fall into the guilt trap. We feel guilty that we didn't accomplish more that we didn't get the entire house clean from top to bottom.
You don't need to go on a guilt trip because you didn't get all the cleaning done. Remember everything that you did today. You should really be giving yourself a huge pat on the back. You accomplished a lot!
So, get rid of cleaning guilt. Do what you can, if you don't get to it today…it will definitely be there tomorrow. Enjoy your evenings without guilt. You are really a Super Mom!
- Anonymous said...
March 6, 2009 at 8:47 PMOne other piece of advice if you live in Az tell your husband that ICE raided the house today and hauled away your illegal housekeeper, lol!!!!!- simpleman said...
March 6, 2009 at 8:49 PMGreat advice but I never feel guilty because I delegate the authority and punish according to lack of performance. Just funnin, excellent post Joy, CIAO4NOW!!!!!- Anonymous said...
March 8, 2009 at 4:12 PMIt's easy to feel guilty. Thanks for reminding me I don't have to.