Monday, March 9, 2009
Ever find yourself scrambling to figure out what to make for dinner after a long day working at home? It's easy to get caught up with work, the kids, or the never ending pile of laundry, and suddenly it's almost dinner time. So, how can you prevent those last minute scrambles in the kitchen? Today's quick tip of the day for WAHMs can help.
Make a menu. It's that simple. Sit down once a week, make a menu, create your grocery list for that menu, and then stick to it. You'll be able to shop for everything you'll need. Then each night simply look at the menu and you'll already know what you are making. When 6pm rolls around, you won't be pulling your hair out trying to figure out what you should make.
Making a menu will not only make life easier for you, it will save you money. Your grocery shopping will be more targeted and you won't end up buying things you don't need or things you end up never using before they go bad. Try it out and let me know what you think!
1 Comment:
- Anonymous said...
March 12, 2009 at 11:01 PMI love this idea! I'm gonna start using it myself.